Uncover Brand Gaps That Are Costing You Sales and Followers

Get a Comprehensive Brand Audit That Delivers Clear, Actionable Steps to Strengthen Your Brand and Seize New Opportunities.

Is your start-up struggling to stand out in the market?

Does it feel like your efforts to build a memorable brand aren’t paying off, no matter what you try?

Without a solid brand strategy, you’re not just losing sales—you’re also missing out on opportunities to connect with your ideal audience.

Each day your message isn’t clear, your competitors are taking the lead.

It’s time to turn things around…

Invest in your brand today and capture the attention your start-up deserves.


My Comprehensive Brand Audit

A Complete Breakdown of Your Brand’s Performance, with Tailored Recommendations to Help You Attract More Customers and Boost Your Revenue.

Brand Audit - Branding Services - Chester Binalla

How It Works

Here’s what to expect from your brand audit.

  1. Week 1: Discovery, Data Collection, Initial Brand Review
  2. Week 2: Competitor & Digital Audit, Brand Consistency Check
  3. Week 3-4: Report Creation, Review Meeting, Recommendations

Action Plan – We’ll collaborate on clear next steps to elevate your brand’s presence.

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Brand Audit - Branding Services - Chester Binalla

What You Get

I’ll take a deep dive into your entire brand presence. In just 3-4 weeks, you’ll receive a detailed report covering

  • Brand Consistency Review: value $1,600
  • Competitor Analysis: value $1,200
  • Target Audience Alignment: value $1,000
  • Visual Identity Review: value $1,400
  • Actionable Recommendations: value $1,000
  • 1-Hour Review Session: value $400
  • Follow-Up Support for 30 Days: value $400
  • All these valued at $7000

Only $2500 with Limited Availability

Limited Availability

I only work with two clients at a time to ensure every audit gets the personal, in-depth attention it deserves. Once I book two projects, I’ll no longer accept additional clients. Secure your spot now before it’s gone!

Want more?

Sign up today and get these FREE BONUSES:

Font Psychology Guide

Unlock the hidden power of typography with this comprehensive guide. Learn how different fonts influence perception and mood, and discover how to choose the perfect font style to align with your brand’s message and values. This guide will help you make font choices that resonate with your target audience and reinforce your brand identity.

Color Psychology Guide

Colors speak louder than words! This guide dives deep into the psychology behind colors, explaining how each hue impacts emotions, behavior, and decision-making. With this guide, you’ll know exactly how to use color to evoke the right response from your audience and create a visually compelling brand that stands out.

Customer Survey Form (Brand Awareness)

Get to know your audience better with this ready-to-use survey form designed to gauge brand awareness. It includes all the essential questions to help you understand how your customers perceive your brand, giving you the insights needed to refine your messaging and strategy.

Brand Voice & Messaging Template

Craft a unique and consistent brand voice with this easy-to-follow template. Whether you’re writing social media posts, emails, or web copy, this guide will ensure your messaging is aligned with your brand’s personality, keeping your communication clear, engaging, and consistent.

Competitor Analysis Workbook

Stay ahead of the competition with this detailed workbook. It includes a step-by-step framework to analyze your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, helping you identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate your brand. With this workbook, you’ll have everything you need to refine your positioning and win in your market.

Brand Refresh Checklist

Ensure your brand stays relevant and impactful with this Brand Refresh Checklist. It guides you through a step-by-step process to evaluate and update key aspects of your brand, from your logo and website to messaging and visuals. Whether you’re planning a full rebrand or just a slight refresh, this checklist helps you cover all the bases to keep your brand fresh and aligned with your goals.

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Comprehensive Brand Audit
  • Comprehensive Brand Audit for Early Stage Start-Ups.
Brand Audit - Branding Services - Chester Binalla

I’m With You Every Step of the Way!

I stand by my comprehensive brand audit and its ability to transform your brand. That’s why I offer a performance-based guarantee: If you follow at least 80% of the actionable recommendations I provide and don’t see any improvement in your brand’s performance within 60 days, I’ll work with you at no additional cost to reassess and adjust your strategy. My goal is your success, and I’m committed to helping you get there!


What if I don’t have a brand guideline?

Don’t worry! Part of the audit will include recommendations on how to create one based on the findings.

How long does the audit take?

The entire process takes approximately 3-4 weeks, depending on the complexity of your brand.

Can I implement the recommendations on my own?

Absolutely! The audit comes with actionable recommendations you can implement yourself or with a design team.

What happens after the audit?

We’ll schedule a review session to go over the findings and next steps. If needed, I offer additional services to help you implement changes.

Do I have to commit to any changes after the audit?

No, the audit provides you with a roadmap—you can choose when and how to implement the changes based on your needs.

What if I need more than a brand audit?

We can discuss additional branding services based on the audit findings.

What happens if I don’t qualify for the audit?

If your brand isn’t a good fit right now, we’ll still send you feedback and recommendations.

I think my brand is too new for an audit?

My process is tailored to help early-stage start-ups find potential brand gaps and identify opportunities from the start.

Imagine having a brand that not only attracts but converts customers consistently. With a comprehensive brand audit, you’ll gain clarity, direction, and the tools you need to drive real growth.

Don’t wait—book your Comprehensive Brand Audit now and start seeing results in as little as 60 days!

Comprehensive Brand Audit
  • Comprehensive Brand Audit for Early Stage Start-Ups.
Brand Audit - Branding Services - Chester Binalla

Not Sure If You Need a Brand Audit?
Take my FREE 15-question quiz to find out if it’s time for a rebrand. Get your answers in 24 hours —click here to start.