Striker’s Coffee has been exporting premium coffee beans for over 10 years, supplying 70% of its beans to North America, mainly to the United States and Canada. Their high-quality espresso blends are made from Bourbon Santos at an elevation of 1050 meters. Bourbon Santos is a medium to high-quality wet-processed coffee from Brazil. It has a low acidity that yields a very pleasant aroma.

Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Client Type: Coffee bean manufacturer

Project Type: Branding and Packaging

The Challenge: Striker’s Coffee is a premium coffee beans exporter based in Brazil, with a mission of selling their coffee directly to the UK and Asia.

Looking to target and attract high-end coffee shops, restaurants, and supermarkets while maintaining a retro classic approach and visuals to their potential clients.

The Approach: After the client provided me with its history, I started doing research on the coffee industry in Brazil. As the visual language of retro coffee has been explored many times, I focused on outlining the brand from the client’s origin in Sao Paulo.

The color palette is taken from old photos of Sao Paulo where Striker’s Coffee started. This visual identity helps to offer an attractive yet not too-flashy approach to its consumers.

Date:June 27, 2021