10 Branding Misconceptions You Need to Leave Behind!

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Hey, how’s it going? 

Look closely at the blurred burger meal in the header image—think you know which brand it is?

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on a few projects this year that I chose not to pursue. For most reasons, it’s because the owner and I had different perspectives. I realized that their branding approach and mine didn’t align, so I would choose not to move forward.

Leo Shrug, Branding Services by Chester Binalla

It is important to me that my principles align with my client’s branding perspective.

Many would come to me frustrated because their brand wasn’t growing as they expected. Even with a polished logo and catchy tagline, they aren’t seeing the results they hoped for.

It got me thinking, that many startups think they’ve got branding down. Most of them are unaware of falling into common misbeliefs.

After twelve years of working with various ventures, I’ve encountered many branding misconceptions. These are also the reasons why I would choose not to pursue a project. That is when a client insists on keeping these branding myths.

These branding misconceptions are widespread, and they’re likely affecting your business too. Let’s dive into the top 10 myths that might be holding your brand back—and how to fix them.

Misconception 1: “Branding is just a logo.”

Problem: Many believe that once they’ve designed a logo, the branding is complete.

Solution: A logo is just one element of your brand, but it doesn’t capture your brand’s full essence. Your brand is the experience, the feelings, and the connections people have when interacting with your business. Think of your brand as a story that customers buy into—not just a symbol they recognize.

Misconception 2: “Once you’ve branded, you’re done.”

Problem: Some think branding is a one-time task that you don’t revisit.

Solution: Brands evolve over time. Stay in tune with your audience, market trends, and your business’s growth to ensure your brand remains relevant. Regularly review your brand’s messaging and visuals to make sure they reflect who you are today—not just who you were when you started.

Misconception 3: “Branding is only for big companies.”

Problem: People often think branding only matters for large businesses with big marketing budgets.

Solution: Branding is essential for businesses of any size. In fact, for start-ups and small businesses, having a strong, clear brand helps you stand out in a crowded market. Your brand is what will set you apart and build trust with your audience, no matter how big or small your business is.

Misconception 4: “Selling and branding are the same thing.”

Problem: Many confuse branding with selling, thinking the sole purpose of branding is to push products.

Solution: Branding is about creating relationships, trust, and emotional connections with your audience. It’s not just about making a sale. Focus on building loyalty by making customers feel like they’re part of your brand’s story. When people trust your brand, sales naturally follow.

Misconception 5: “Branding is the job of the marketing team.”

Problem: Branding is often viewed as something only the marketing department should handle.

Solution: Branding is everyone’s job. From the CEO to customer service reps, everyone should understand and represent the brand’s values and voice. Consistency across all touchpoints is key to building a strong and cohesive brand identity.

Misconception 6: “A colorful brand palette will make my brand more memorable.”

Problem: Some believe that using more colors in their branding will make it stand out more.

Solution: Too many colors can confuse your audience and dilute your message. Stick to a well-thought-out color scheme that aligns with your brand’s personality. Using consistent colors across all platforms helps build a recognizable and trustworthy brand.

Misconception 7: “Being like everyone else is safer.”

Problem: Many brands try to blend in with the competition, thinking that following the crowd is safer.

Solution: Your brand should highlight what makes you unique. Don’t be afraid to stand out and differentiate yourself. Be bold in showcasing your brand’s personality and values—this is how you create a memorable identity that customers will connect with.

Misconception 8: “Ignoring customer feedback won’t hurt my brand.”

Problem: Businesses often think they don’t need to respond to customer feedback.

Solution: Listening to your customers is crucial for maintaining a strong brand. Ignoring feedback can cause you to lose touch with your audience. Pay attention to what they’re saying, and make adjustments as needed. Responding and evolving based on feedback shows customers you value their input, which builds trust and loyalty.

Misconception 9: “My brand needs to appeal to everyone.”

Problem: Brands often think they need to attract a wide audience to succeed. (The last project I turned down insisted on this.)

Solution: Trying to appeal to everyone weakens your brand’s focus. Narrow down your target audience and speak directly to them. It’s better to resonate deeply with a specific group of people than to be bland and unmemorable to a broad audience.

Misconception 10: “I can please everyone.”

Problem: Brands mistakenly believe that they can keep everyone happy and satisfied.

Solution: The truth is, you can’t please everyone, and that’s okay. Don’t water down your brand to avoid offending or losing some people. Stay true to your brand’s core values and attract the right customers who align with your vision and mission.

Are You Guilty?

Now that you’ve uncovered these branding misconceptions, take a moment to reflect on where your brand stands. Which of these myths are you guilty of believing? Start with one change, whether it’s refining your target audience or simplifying your color scheme. See how it impacts your brand’s growth.

If you’re ready to transform your brand and avoid these pitfalls, let’s work together on creating a brand strategy that sets you apart!

What was your guess of the header image?

That delicious burger meal is from none other than Jollibee! 🍔🍟 Known for their iconic flavors, they never fail to satisfy!

Jollibee Burger, Branding Services by Chester Binalla

Our Final Thoughts

Branding is a journey, not a destination (Wow that sounded like Aerosmith).

Just as your business grows and evolves, so should your brand. These common branding misconceptions often go unnoticed. They can have a significant impact on how your customers perceive you. By tackling these myths, you’re already making progress.

Working actively to dispel them will help you build a stronger, more authentic brand.

Remember, branding isn’t about perfection. It’s about consistency, connection, and clarity. The more you align your brand with your true values and your audience’s needs, the more trust you’ll build. This trust will grow stronger over time.

Branding is an ongoing process that needs regular reflection and adaptation. Don’t hesitate to make adjustments as your brand grows. Every small change counts, whether adjusting your audience, visuals, or brand voice. Each step helps shape your brand’s growth.

Refining your brand and avoiding common mistakes will set you apart from the competition. This will help you create a brand that connects with your customers. This connection will help you stand out, foster loyalty, and drive the growth of your business.

That's all folks, Branding Services by Chester Binalla

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